Criminal Defense Appeal Saves 3 to 10 Years

Dominic Jr. recently helped a client on appeal convicted of operating a methamphetamine lab. Dominic Jr. was the client’s appellate lawyer.

The original sentence:

The client was originally sentenced to at least 10 years and up to 40 years in prison. He also had to pay $140 to a “victim,” was placed in a maximum-security prison, and, to top it all off, had to pay a 20% late fee for overdue money.

The new sentence:

Dominic Jr. and the client uncovered numerous errors in the client’s sentencing. For example, the client had two convictions out of Florida that were scored as felonies. But, after reviewing the facts of the Florida convictions, the convictions should have been scored as misdemeanors instead.

This immediately made the client eligible for parole three years earlier. It also saved the client’s maximum sentence, which dropped it from 40 years to 30 years.

It also meant that the client would no longer be housed in a maximum-security prison. Instead, the client could live in a lower-security prison. That is important, because a lower security classification means that the client has more privileges, such as going out into the yard, having visitors, etc.

Next, Dominic Jr. also reviewed the documents and discovered that $140 had been awarded as damages to a “victim.” But, the damages were on a charge that was dismissed. This was also in error.

Finally, normally a person convicted of a crime must pay all the fees within a set amount of time. Otherwise, if the fees aren’t paid on time, the convicted person would have to pay a 20% late fee. After asking the trial judge to not enforce the late fee, the trial judge agreed to do so.

After bringing these errors to the trial judge’s attention, the trial judge agreed! The trial judge amended the client’s sentence!

If you or a loved one has been convicted of a crime, call us now

At Dominic F. Andriacchi, P.C., we also help people convicted of crimes. We help people charged with everything from domestic violence to murder. We’ve represented clients in all Michigan courts, from district court to the Supreme Court. We can help you, too. If you or someone you know have been convicted of a crime and wants to appeal their conviction, give us a call right now at (906) 486-4457 or email us at You need to act now so that important deadlines to appeal are not missed.