Assault and Battery: Not Guilty!

At a recent jury trial, Dominic Jr. and Dominic Sr. secured a Not Guilty verdict! The jury deliberated for only 15 minutes!

The Charge: Assault and Battery

The Prosecutor and Complainant accused the citizen of assault and battery. Assault and battery is a 93-day misdemeanor. That means the convicted person could have spent up to 93 days in jail.

Assault and Battery also has fines and costs. There can also be drug tests, weekly meetings with a probation officer, and other consequences, too.

The Complainant’s story:

The Complainant accused the citizen of waiting for the Complainant outside a bar. Then, when the Complainant was down the street from the bar, the citizen supposedly attacked the Complainant.

One witness saw and heard a part of the fight, but no one knew who started it. The Complainant claimed not to know. That left only the citizen.

What really happened: The citizen’s side of the story

Dominic Jr. used the techniques and strategies he learned from the Trial Lawyer’s College. With them, he discovered what really happened: the Complainant followed and attacked the citizen!

Dominic Jr. showed the jury that the Complainant had lost a bet on a game of pool to the citizen. After the game, the Complainant followed the citizen out of the bar to get the money back. When the citizen was getting his dog from his car, the Complainant struck the citizen in the face.

The citizen then got out of the car and fought back to defend himself. That’s when the eye witness came out and saw what was happening.

End result: Not Guilty!

After 15 minutes, the jury came back with the verdict: Not Guilty!

After some final remarks from the trial judge, the jury walked out of the courthouse. Dominic Jr., Dominic Sr., the citizen, and the prosecuting attorneys all shook hands.

Most importantly, the citizen walked out of the courthouse under his own terms: free.

If you or a loved one has been accused of a crime, call us now

At Dominic F. Andriacchi, P.C., we help citizens accused of crimes. We help people charged with everything from domestic violence to murder. We’ve represented clients in all Michigan courts, from district court to the Supreme Court. We can help you, too. If you or someone you know have been charged with a crime, give us a call right now at (906) 486-4457 or email us at You need to act now so that you, or someone you know, doesn’t say the wrong thing or let important evidence disappear.